Comfort Food

What food can make you feel comfort when you are not? This is my version of comfort food for my family especially my dearly son.Aidan has been having diarrhea since Monday. Not exactly sure what’s wrong. He doesn’t have any fever nor did he act any different in the past few days. We didn’t bring him to his doctor because we think that we are not going to get anything out of the doctor’s visit like we did in the pass besides to make sure he eats well and sleep well which he does. Since we ran out of food to eat yesterday (can you believed it !!) I decided to cook some porridge from some fish fillet, dried scallop and some ginger.

A pot of comfort food for the whole family, what a great idea and easy solution for dinner. Aidan ate quite a bit yesterday, I hope he feel better today. But one thing for sure, he did not poop this morning.

1 comment:

Mummy Joanne and Daddy Terence said...

oh..poor Aidan, hope mummy's comfort food will make you feel comfort :)